wah...lapar plak tgok donut tuuu...arrrgghh
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Posted by Eric at 5:00 AM 4 comments
Labels: Food and Drinks, lifestyle, stuff of me
Monday, March 23, 2009
simple personality quiz...
Take this simple quiz:www.quizbox.com/personality
Your view on yourself:
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
The seriousness of your love:
Your views on education
The right job for you:
How do you view success:
What are you most afraid of:
Who is your true self:
I've done it,so how bout YOU?
Posted by Eric at 5:08 AM 0 comments
Labels: survey
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
my ex ehem2 go to Bali
Posted by Eric at 8:24 AM 3 comments
Labels: sakit hati, stuff of me
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
nah,nie dier Cheesezz Cake nyer...sedap siot.!!!
wah,lapar pulak tgok eh...
skrang plak cite pasal Starbuck plak...
tgok puas2 pic di bwh...nyumm2..

nie air "Frappucino Ice Blanded"..
ayg,can u buy it for me?
hehe..tak malu lah sy nie..haha..
k lah,sampai sini jer cite psal semua nie..
Posted by Eric at 5:54 AM 0 comments
Labels: Food and Drinks
Sunday, March 8, 2009
malu nya aku..
Posted by Eric at 10:13 PM 1 comments
Labels: LOVE IS CINTA, love storie, maruah
Posted by Eric at 8:11 PM 0 comments
Labels: lifestyle, stuff of me, survey

hensem ker.??hehe
SOALAN2: place that i wish to go
sunguh indah pemandangan nya..i would i like spend my time
with my ayg here...hehe
Soalan 3:My faveret food
laksa sarawak

fuuhhh..mmg sedah..the best laksa in malaysia..keh3..
Soalan 4:My feveret drinks
Teh O ais

sedep nyer...plus extra susu..yeahh!!
Soalan 5:My University/College
Multimedia College
soon,will be known as Multimedia University Sarawak Campus
Soalan 6:My Faveret Movie
BrokeBack Mountain
best giler cite nie..alang kah syok nyer sy dan ayg mcm nie..hehehe
Soalan 7:I was borned in...

this is where i was born...proud to be sarawakian
Soalan 8:My hobby
hehe..that was my partime job...hehe
Soalan 9:My Feveret Kaler

nice right??hehehe...
Soalan 10:I wish to be a...

wow,so hawt man..but my ayg still num 1..love u...
******uurrdd,akhir nya abis gak TAGGED nie..
punya lah lama sy buat TAG nie..
hehe..anyway,selamat membaca...
Posted by Eric at 9:15 AM 0 comments
Labels: cerita hidupku, lifestyle, stuff of me, TAGGED
Nice right..that was my LOVE formula..
haha..quite funny..on 7th march 2009,finally i met him..
let me discribe abit about the very lucky person..
eerrm,abit kontot(sorry ayg)hehe..but i like it..bdn berisi,nice to hug..
(my another formula)haha..
pendek kata,he perfect for me,but not 100% perfect la..
coz nobody perfect in this world..like me too..
i really LOVE him..
ayg,i love u so much..pls,jgn tggal kan daku..
hehe,jiwang la plak...
11.58pm.8th march o9.Sunday
Posted by Eric at 8:42 AM 0 comments
Labels: LOVE IS CINTA, love storie
Thursday, March 5, 2009
The Very Boring "Eden Lake"
uurrgghh...very the boring movie of the year..of the yer giteeww..hehe...bila tgok poster,mcm menarik perhatian dgn title cerita nya yg menarik..tp bila tgok,mula2 mmg la best..tp dah nak ending tu..fuuhh,HAMPEH betul...x sangka pulak yg perempuan tu plak yg mati akhir nya..pepandai jer kan..hehe..boring giler cite nie..punya la sengsara pompuan tu nak survive,last2 mati gak akhir nya..sy paling benci tgok geng budak2 tu..nak jd samseng tak bertmpat...
bg yang ade rasa niat nak tgok cite nie,lebih baik jangan..nyesal tgok tau..hehe
Posted by Eric at 8:26 AM 0 comments
Labels: movie