uurrgghh,boring sungguh hari ini..walaupun ptg tadi aku jalan dengan kawan2 ku..tapi itu tak mengcukupi untuk mengubat kebosanan yang melanda dlm diri ku ini..cewah,jiwang sungguh aku ini *tiba2..lepas balik jer jalan td,sy trus on my APPLE laptop *kata owner nya lah,coz tak tauhu nak buat ape..sambil tu aku baru teringat yang salah satu kawan baru sy kata yg dia edit pic guna PICASA..so i try to download from internet..after that sy download ler..habis jer download,sy trus explore tools2 yg ada dlm PICASA nie..so ini lah hasil2 nya atas apa yg sy dpt dr picasa..
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Posted by Eric at 8:50 AM 0 comments
Labels: ericPHOTOGRAPHY, stuff of me
Thursday, April 23, 2009
MING CAFE.explanade
huuhh,today such a boring day laa..nasib lak kwn ajak kluar td,kalau tak naik gila duk rmh jer..hehe..td me n my friends go to MING CAFE iaitu our favourite lepak place..dekat jer dgn MEGA HOTEL..the we order ice-lemon-tea and roti canai mamak..

hehe..puas btul time ni tau..g..love both them..without them my world boring..hehe..td we all sempat tgok sunset..so beautiful..different then the other days..hehe..around 6.50pm we all balik coz my friend got emergency,nak hantar adek dier g tuition..hehe
Posted by Eric at 4:41 AM 2 comments
Labels: Food and Drinks, friendship, stuff of me, syok
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
hey everyone!lama dah sy tak post new entry kan,coz im quite bz bila balik miri ni..so,today my entry is about my bro house..dah tak ade idea lain,so i post jer la pasal my bro punya,sambil tu dapat lah promote dak rumah ni coz bila rumah ni siap jer,akan di beri sewa...

HAPPY.semacam jer
Posted by Eric at 9:40 PM 3 comments
Labels: business
Saturday, April 18, 2009
ada yang susah,ada juga yang senang..sy comfirm i got 2 A's this sem..
hopefully la..hehehe..thnks kpd sesiapa yg ada wish me luck tempoh hari..
syg kat awk smua..
eerrm,dah lama juga sy tak post kan apa2 kat blog nie..
saya harap,smua pembaca blog nie akan bersabar ok..sy akan post kan
new topic as soon as possible..skarng nie msih busy sket,coz nak blik HOMETOWN
katakan..hehehe..so sy harap smua pembaca blog ni bw byk bertenang k..
kalau sy dah arrive d miri,sy akan post byk2 topic kat blog nie..
hehehe..kpd pengikut setia blog nie,jgn lah segan dan silu,jgn malu2 kucing tuk
comment all my post ok..then i will do so the same thing...
ok lah,sampai sini kali nie..coz nak smbung kemas barang n nak check out dari hostel..
keep in touch.!!!
love u all.!!!
Posted by Eric at 7:25 PM 4 comments
Labels: cerita hidupku, fun, syok
Sunday, April 12, 2009
im abit buzy with my study and my final exam
from 13th-17th april...
so,keep in touch and wish me luck.!!
Posted by Eric at 12:15 AM 6 comments
Labels: Buzz
Monday, April 6, 2009
try it with ur name..!!
A : has a smile to die for
B : is a nerd at times
C : can kick ur butt
D : great friend
E : has beautiful eyes
F : wild and crazy
H : likes someone
I : best boyfriend or girlfriend
J : gorgeous
K : easy fallin in love with
L : very good kisser
M : can be funny and dumb at times
N : love by many people
O : has one of the best personalities ever
P : popular with all types of people
R : gives good hugs
S : very open - minded
T : makes people laugh
U : is loved by everyone
V : not judgmental
W : very romantic
X : never let people tell you what to do
Y : very hot
Z : makes dating fun
Posted by Eric at 7:57 AM 8 comments
Labels: fun, stuff of me
Posted by Eric at 5:38 AM 0 comments
Labels: repairing
Friday, April 3, 2009
haaa..nie special AWARDS kepada blogger2 yg saya suka pendek kata blog yg gempak gitew..bukan senang tau nak bg2 award nie..award nie sy bg berdasar kan post2 yg diorang post kan and rupa blog(ade ker??)hehehe..and sy bg award nie ikhlas dari hari yg suci ini..hehe..
so nie dia list2 blogger yg bertuah...
- anakBISAYA'S a.k.a Josh
- aku artistic.Jiwa.Bebas a.k.a MR.Shari
- goodgirlbadblog a.k.a The Good Girl
- gazyristiano
- its all about journey a.k.a Mohd Fazridzul
they are cool.!!!hehe..syok bila baca post2 diorang..keep in up..love to read more from uoollss punya blog...
Posted by Eric at 12:26 AM 7 comments
Labels: Award, friendship, lifestyle, memory best, syok
Thursday, April 2, 2009
nie lah kami empat sekawan..kami bagai kan adek beradek..hehe..smua nya guna yg baru2 giteww..keh3..sy gelar kan kami smua "WILD HOGS" cewahhh..mcm cita wild hogs la plak..hehehe..
pic nie plak diambil lepas sy perform mlm tu..sy bawa lg HANYA KAU YANG MAMPU BY AIZAT...fuuhh,gempak giler..i love this pic,look cute..tgok tu,seksi tak i???hahaha..lolz..this gurl is my kazen..not lebih2 tau..i dah berpunya..*statement..hehehe
b4 perform tu,after mkn2..mpp's ada buat game,MUSIC CHAIRS..mula2 tak plan nak ikot,then trus ubah fikiran..tak sangka plak bleh menang..pic bwh nie is the winner prize..
walapun hanya menang air REDBULL,sy tetap the winner..
hehehe..smua nya 6 tin..sedap tuu..!!!
nie plak hamper singing competition..
dpt gak jd juara walaupun hamper nya x lah besar sgt..hehehe..
ok lah,sampai sini jer post kali nie..blog owner dah nak tido..hehe..smua perkara masa majlis tu akan sy jd kan sbg kenangan manis dlm hidup nie..hehe..jiwang la plak..hehe..bye...
Posted by Eric at 10:51 AM 4 comments
Labels: lifestyle, memory best, party, stuff of me