huuhh,today such a boring day laa..nasib lak kwn ajak kluar td,kalau tak naik gila duk rmh me n my friends go to MING CAFE iaitu our favourite lepak place..dekat jer dgn MEGA HOTEL..the we order ice-lemon-tea and roti canai mamak..

ape yg sy suka kat MING CAFE ni ialah,decoration dalaman nya..looks abit dayak tribe mis with western style..view waktu mlm lagi best..sedap mata memandang gitew..hehe..kebanyakan pelanggan yg datang native people,org putih,n byk lagi lah..MING CAFE menghidang kan 4 types of food it is WESTERN,MALAY,CHINESE and INDIAN..all halal..
ming cafe

after lepak kat ming cafe,we go to explanade,it is our second favourite lepak place..hehe..we all kuat lepak..bkn pe,nak cuci mata jap..hehe..setiba nya di explanade,sy n the gang duduk la di sebuah meja yg disedia kan ni..sambil cuci mata tu,we all sempat ambik pic yg gile2..hehe..biasalah,we all called ourself 'BROTHERHOOD' gitew..

hehe..puas btul time ni both them..without them my world we all sempat tgok beautiful..different then the other days..hehe..around 6.50pm we all balik coz my friend got emergency,nak hantar adek dier g tuition..hehe
Dulu i pernah pegi Ming Cafe masa dia 1st time buka. Masa tu byk stall melayu kat sana n now mcm dah kurang jer. I know its a nice place for hang-out...minum2 n chitchat.
Wah! pegi esplanade lagi ke? ermm! that is my favourite place too...I suka tengok sunset and laut.
oic..skrang ni i tgok kebanyakan org yg dtg demand 4 western n indian food..yup,its a good place for chitchat..
explanade is my favret 'dating' place..hehehe
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